	The soul is not the only Lowell body 
	in the human anatomy. We are full of 
	them. And we all know about them even 
	if they are not detailed on clear 
	plastic, their relationship to the 
	musculature and the nervous system 
	unillustrated. Think of mothers who 
	develop eyes in the back of their head. 
	I can prove this is true. And the 
	biological clock of women approaching 
	thirty. I've heard it ticking. And
	people with brains in their ass or 
	radar in their groin. These things can 
	be documented, even if they don't show 
	up on x-rays.

	Nothing happens to the heart, I feel my 
	blood flowing in the proper direction.
	It's something else. Something has gone 
	missing, an incision made somewhere in
	the dense grouping of nerves called the 
	solar plexus, a vital organ removed. I
	feel its absence. Like people who lose an 
	arm but retain a kind of body memory of
	it, who years later still move reflexively 
	to pick up a cup with the missing limb, 
	I sometimes feel it there. I'm still 
	surprised when the cup doesn't move,
	when you don't answer.	